

web-based projects for vertical markets

A simple, modern wordmark for a company focused on vertical markets.

The design is built around the concetps of market micro-segments, cohesiveness and growth. The symbol integrates all these concepts into a simple shape.

Secmicro logo

Secmicro Logo

Final artwork.

My work on Secmicro

I was responsible for the design of the Secmicro logo. I also designed the logo and website for one of their projects, Industech.

Alternate versions

Secmicro - Monochromatic Logo

Secmicro Logo

White (reversed).

Other proposals and iterations

Secmicro - Logo Variations

Logo Iterations

Alternative symbol and type.

Secmicro - Logo Variations

Logo Iterations

Alternative symbol, type and wordmark.


The logo was designed in mid 2013.

Skills and Tools

These are the skills and tools I used throughout this project.


The logo was designed in Adobe Illustrator. No additional plugins were used.

Like what you see?

I am available for consulting, collaboration and contract work.

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